お酒と睡眠 Drinking too much alcohol not only prevents deep sleep, but also atrophies the brain We all know that drinking too much alcohol is bad, but it also affects the brain The research paper アルコール症の徐波睡眠障害とCT-Sca... 2023.01.04 お酒と睡眠睡眠に影響する行動
睡眠に影響する行動 Lowering the deep body temperature and closing the gap with skin temperature dramatically makes it easier to fall asleep Just changing the way you bathe can dramatically help you fall asleep more easily. Bathe 2 hours before you want to go t... 2023.01.04 睡眠に影響する行動
睡眠 More young children are staying up late, even though they need more sleep than adults Increased number of young children staying up late The research paper 幼児の夜ふかしと主養育者に対する睡眠教育の重要性 is cited and referred to ... 2023.01.04 睡眠