Try the muscle relaxation method of tensing and then relaxing

Progressive muscle relaxation method to relax muscles from tension

The research paper 簡易版漸進的筋弛緩法の作成とがん患者への介入の効果 is cited and referred to in this report.

One method of relaxation, progressive muscle relaxation, was developed by Jacobson and is widely used as a stress management method. The method is as follows (simplified version) and is performed on seven muscle groups. The characteristic feature of this method is that the difference between tension and weakness causes a strong feeling of weakness. Since you feel weakness, this becomes a relaxing effect. This progressive muscle relaxation method is also used in the U.S. military, and it is worth trying because it allows you to actively relax.


①Force your muscles to work harder when you breathe in.
②Relax as you exhale, and feel a sense of relaxation and comfort.
③When exerting force on a muscle, do not exert too much force, but exert about 60-70% of the force.
④Proceed by comparing the difference in sensation when the muscles are relaxed and when they are relaxed.
Contraction and relaxation of the muscles are performed twice each (once on the front of the lower leg and thigh only).

Site of implementation (7 muscles)

①Forearm and upper arm②Lower leg and thigh (front)③Lower leg and thigh (posterior)④chest⑤Shoulder⑥Upper face (forehead)⑦Lower side of the face (eye area and lower jaw)

Progress since the start of the muscle relaxation method

After one week of muscle relaxation, positive trends such as sleeping soundly and improvement in fatigue were observed. Furthermore, there was improvement in discomfort symptoms, with some patients commenting on the effect of falling asleep after 6 months.

Passive muscle relaxation method that does not tense muscles

The research paper がん患者への受動的筋弛緩法の介入による指標と主観による評価 is cited and referred to in this report.

Passive muscle relaxation is characterized by the fact that it is a tension-free, relaxation-only method, which does not place a burden on the patient. In this paper, all subjects reported that it was easier to fall asleep on the third day of muscle relaxation.
