If you cannot sleep, do not think about anything, lower your body temperature, and relax.


When you want to sleep but can’t

  • Do not think about anything
  • Lower body temperature, closer to skin temperature
  • Relax

Do not think about anything

You want to sleep but you can’t. The more strongly you feel the need to sleep, the harder it is to sleep? When you want to sleep, it is best to put yourself in a state of not thinking about anything. However, it is impossible not to think about anything because it is frustrating not to be able to sleep. So, we bring our consciousness to what we are doing. This is because one of the reasons why you cannot sleep is that you are thinking and your mind is running full blast. What are you thinking about when you go to sleep? Is it your failure at work today? Your reflection on your club activities? Tomorrow’s presentation? Or your plans for a date? Not everything is happening right now. The reason you are frustrated because you can’t sleep is because you are worried that you won’t be able to perform well tomorrow. Even past mistakes and the hassle and excitement of the next day can put your mind in a state of activity, a state of consciousness that is not in the present. Come to think of it, when I was in elementary school, I was so happy and joyful the day before my grandmother came to see me for the first time in a long time that I could not sleep. So, what do you do when you are asleep? I am not doing anything. I am not doing anything, but there is something I do even when I am asleep. That is “breathing. Therefore, by concentrating on the breathing you are doing now, you can escape from the spell of the past and the anxiety of the future. Breathe in slowly and breathe out slowly. Be aware of the flow of that breath. As you inhale, does your belly expand? When you exhale, does your belly cave in? These may be very small changes in your body, but pay attention to those small changes. If you become aware of something other than your breath, bring your attention back to your breath. It won’t last long at first, but as you get used to it, you will be able to do it for longer periods of time. You’ll kill two birds with one stone: you’ll be able to concentrate better and sleep easier. For more information, see Quieting the Brain’s Chatter.

Lower body temperature, closer to skin temperature

Studies have shown that when your body temperature drops and approaches skin temperature, you are more likely to feel drowsy. Body temperature refers to the deep body temperature deep inside the body. Under normal circumstances, the skin temperature is lower than the deep body temperature because the skin is exposed to the outside air and sweats. Basically, deep body temperature is higher during activity and lower during rest. The higher the deep body temperature, the smoother the body moves, the more active the chemical reactions in the body are, and the easier it is to extract energy. At rest, it is better to conserve energy, so deep body temperature is lower. And the rise and fall of deep body temperature has a certain rhythm throughout the day: the daily temperature fluctuations are lowest from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., from where they gradually rise and you begin to get ready to get up. Then, it is highest between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. After 7:00 p.m., the body temperature continues to drop, and when it approaches skin temperature, we feel drowsy. This physiological phenomenon of feeling sleepy when the deep body temperature is lowered is utilized. The most effective way to do this is to take a bath. This is because once the body temperature is raised by bathing, it is easier to lower it, making it easier to fall asleep. The same is true for exercise in that once the temperature is raised, it is easier to lower it. Eating spicy food also raises the body temperature temporarily and then lowers it, making it easier to feel sleepy. If you have time to spare, try raising your body temperature once. However, if you do not have time and are already ready for sleep and cannot sleep, the only way to lower your body temperature is to lower it. Effective ways to lower your body temperature include drinking cold water, dipping your hands and feet in tap water, flipping over a warm comforter, and getting under the covers after you feel sleepy. If the body is too cold, it will try to warm up, so be careful about the temperature. A glass of cold water from the refrigerator is a good choice. The tap water to which the hands and feet are dipped does not need to be ice water, but please soak the fingertips as well as the wrists. This is for efficient heat exchange. And, get into the bed only after you feel sleepy. It often happens that you wake up when you get into the bed. If you experience this phenomenon repeatedly, your body will remember that you wake up when you get into the bed, and you will not be able to sleep. For more information, see Lowering Deep Body Temperature and Reducing the Difference between Body Temperature and Skin Temperature.


Simply lying on one’s side activates the parasympathetic nervous system, making it easier to feel sleepy. Furthermore, consciously relaxing makes it easier to fall asleep. One way to make it easier to fall asleep is to relax after exerting yourself. Just as it is easier to fall asleep when you raise your body temperature once you lower your body temperature, you can apply the same method to weakness. The difference between the two methods can make you feel even more relaxed than if you just relax. For more information, see Try the Muscle Relaxation Technique.
