Daytime activities that improve sleep quality

Daytime activity determines how well you sleep.

Daytime activity and sleep are inextricably linked and paired, like light and dark. Without light, we cannot perceive shadows. If we are tired, we must sleep to rest and recover our strength and our minds, or we will be halfway through neither moving nor thinking. To sleep deeply, we must be fatigued to some extent. If you sleep deeply, you will be able to perform at a high level. On the other hand, can a person who wakes up on a holiday and then spends the entire day lounging around without moving sleep deeply that night? We can assume that the sleep of someone who is less active does not have to be deep and of good quality. Because there is no need for recovery. Therefore, exercise is absolutely necessary. This mechanism of restoring the body to its original state is called the homeostasis mechanism.
However, the way we work today has changed compared to the past. The percentage of people doing physical work that fully utilizes their bodies has decreased, the percentage of people doing desk work has increased, and mental fatigue in the form of stress has become more of a problem. Furthermore, it is said that AI will change the nature of work even more in the future. There is a limit to how much we can ask people who are busy working at their desks five days a week to exercise on weekdays. Therefore, we should make use of another mechanism of sleep, the circadian rhythm, as much as possible to improve the quality of sleep. The circadian rhythm is the body’s internal clock, which creates the rhythm of getting up in the morning and going to bed at night.
So what activities can affect circadian rhythms and improve sleep quality?
